Diagnostic Dermoscopy: The Illustrated Guide - 2012
Dermoscopy: An Illustrated Self-Assessment Guide
Dr. Robert Johr and Dr. Wilhelm Stolz
McGraw-Hill Education
Interactive Atlas of Dermoscopy
Argenziano G, Soyer HP, De Giorgi V, Piccolo D, Carli P, Delfino M, et al.
Milan: Edra Medical Publishing and New Media (Book and CD-ROM) | 2000
Guia Basica de Dermatoscopia
Juan Jurado Moreno, Juan F. Garrido Gil y Elena Pérez Domingo
Endorsed by the SEMG | Gambarter, 29 May 2019
Dermatoskopie von Hauttumoren
Blum A, Kreusch JF, Bauer J, Garbe C (eds.) mit interaktiver CD-Rom.
Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt | 2003
Cabo H.
CD-ROM Buenos Aires: Weber Ferro, Medios Interactivos | 2000
Dermoscopy: The Essentials
Johr R, Soyer HP, Argenziano G, Hofmann-Wellenhof R, Scalvenzi M.
Edinburgh: Mosby | 2004
Auflichtmikroskopie pigmentierter Hauttumoren. Ein Bildatlas
Kreusch J, Rassner G.
Stuttgart: Thieme | 1991
Principles of Dermoscopy
Malvehy J and Puig S (eds.)
Barcelona: Cege Editors | 2002
Handbook of Dermoscopy
Malvehy J, Puig S, Braun, RP, Marghoob, AA, Kopf AW
London: Taylor & Francis | 2006
Marcelo C, Ferreira M, Barcaui C, Piñeiro-Maceira J (Eds)
Rio de Janeiro. Editora Atheneu | 2004
Atlas of Dermoscopy
Marghoob AA, Braun R, Kopf AW (eds.)
London: Parthenon Publishing | 2004
Interactive CD-ROM of Dermoscopy
Marghoob A, Braun R, Kopf A.
London: Informa Healthcare | 2007
An Atlas of Surface Microscopy of Pigmented Skin Lesions: Dermoscopy
Menzies SW, Crotty KA, Ingvar C, McCarthy WH.
2nd edition. Roseville: McGraw-Hill Australia | 2003
Dermatoscopy in Clinical Practice
Micali, Giuseppe and Lacarrubba, Francesco (Eds.)
Informa Healthcare | 2009
Atlas de Dermatoscopia
Perusquía AM, Metze D, Stolz W und Blum A.
Editores de Textos Mexicanos, Mexico City | 2005
Dermoscopy. A practical guide
Rabinovitz HS.
MMA Worldwide Group Inc: Miami | 1999
Dermoscopy and New Imaging Techniques
Rabinovitz HS, Cognetta JR. AB.
Dermatology Clinics, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia | 2001
Atlas de Dermatoscopia Aplicada
Gisele G. Rezze, Bianca C. Soares de Sá, Rogério I. Neves (Eds)
São Paulo: Lemar; Livraria Editora Marina e Livraria e Editora Martinari | 2004
Dermoscopy of pigmented skin lesions
An atlas based on the Consensus Net Meeting on Dermoscopy 2000
Soyer HP, Argenziano G, Chimenti S, Menzies S, Pehamberger H, Rabinovitz H, et al.
Milan: Edra Medical Publishing and New Media | 2001
Color Atlas of Dermatoscopy
Stolz W, Braun-Falco O, Bilek P, Landthaler M, Burgdorf WHC, Cognetta AB.
Second ed. Berlin: Blackwell Publishing | 2002
Color Atlas of Melanocytic Lesions of the Skin
Soyer HP, Argenziano G, Hofmann-Wellenhof R, Johr R.
Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer | 2007
Dermoscopy of Hair and Scalp Disorders with Clinical and Pathological Correlations
Tosti A. | Informa | 2008
Dermoscopy: Melanoma, Moles and Skin Tumors ~ A Diagnostic Atlas
By Dr. Vija Sodera FRCS
Book 4, Minor Surgery Series: One Small Speck Ltd. | 2015
Dermatology: Skin Tumours and Moles ~ A Diagnostic Atlas
Dr. Vija Sodera FRCS
Book 1, Minor Surgery Series: One Small Speck Ltd. | 2015
Dermoscopy: The Alternative Atlas
By Dr. Vija Sodera FRCS
One Small Speck Ltd. | 2015
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